by drebanks | Oct 12, 2010 | Blog, Exercise, Heart Disease, Longevity, Obesity, Preventive Wellness, Type-2 Diabetes
Over the last twenty years, Americans appetite for prescription drugs has exploded. One need only to turn on the TV to see ad after ad suggesting that there is a pill to satisfy any pain, discomfort or ailment that you may encounter. The message seems to be: “No...
by drebanks | Sep 24, 2010 | Blog, Exercise, healthy aging, Preventive Wellness, Type-2 Diabetes, Youthful Aging
“Normal” aging is typically accompanied by easier weight gain and, along with declining hormones and decreased physical activity can reduce muscle mass, lead to frailty and a higher prevalence of metabolic disorders. This insidious, age-related loss of...
by drebanks | Aug 22, 2010 | Blog, Heart Disease, Nutrition, Obesity, Preventive Wellness, Youthful Aging
At a time when Americans are getting fatter and struggle to find a strategy to combat the obesity epidemic, the rift between proponents of low fat vs low carb eating remains intact. Both philosophies have fans and detractors, but the mixed messages in the media...
by drebanks | Aug 15, 2010 | Blog, healthy aging, Heart Disease, Nutrition, Obesity, Preventive Wellness, Type-2 Diabetes, Youthful Aging
One of the most shocking surprises to emerge from the Human Genome Project in 2003 is the discovery that we are the proud owners of a paltry 30,000 genes — barely twice the number of a fruit fly. After a decade of hype surrounding the project that gave us the...
by drebanks | Jul 26, 2010 | Blog, Cancer, Exercise, Longevity, Obesity, Preventive Wellness, stress, Youthful Aging
Incredible scientific discoveries that will change the way we look at aging and disease have been unfolding during the early 21st century. The secrets for healthy, youthful aging, while clearly influenced by our behavior, appear to be rooted in mechanisms at the...