by drebanks | Mar 1, 2018 | Age Management, Blog, Exercise, healthy aging, Heart Disease, Nutrition, Preventive Wellness, stress
Most people nowadays are aware of the dire warnings about too much cholesterol in your blood. With all of the pharmaceutical advertising for cholesterol lowering drugs; statins and a new outrageously expensive class of medication called PCSK9 inhibitors, you might...
by drebanks | May 18, 2015 | Blog, Cancer, healthy aging, Preventive Wellness, Youthful Aging
Imagine the day when a simple blood test could identify if you are at high risk for developing cancer in the future. And, imagine that the risk could be identified far enough in advance that you could do something to reduce the risk and maybe never get that cancer. ...
by drebanks | Feb 15, 2015 | Age Management, Blog, healthy aging, Heart Disease, Longevity, Men's Health, Nutrition, Preventive Wellness, Sexual Wellness, Women's Health, Youthful Aging
Did you ever notice how we use the heart to describe almost everything about ourselves? It’s built into the way we talk. If you’re close to someone they’re “near to your heart.” You can want something “with all your heart.” If you say what you feel you “get to the...
by drebanks | Jan 20, 2015 | Age Management, Blog, Exercise, healthy aging, Longevity, Men's Health, Preventive Wellness, Women's Health
It is a brand new year, and many of you have resolved to make 2015 a healthier and more productive year. Changing the way you eat, exercise, and sleep along with other lifestyle choices can all impact your overall health, vitality and even longevity. Losing weight...
by drebanks | Oct 28, 2014 | Age Management, Blog, Concierge medicine, Executives' Health, healthy aging, Longevity, Men's Health, Preventive Wellness, Women's Health, Youthful Aging
Like most, I consider the healthcare system in this country to be broken and getting worse. It is not uncommon for a physician to see 30-40 patients per day and to have overall responsibility for a panel of 4000 or 5000 patients. Why? Because insurance companies...
by drebanks | Dec 9, 2013 | Age Management, Blog, Executives' Health, healthy aging, Longevity, Men's Health, Nutrition, Preventive Wellness, Women's Health, Youthful Aging
Now that we are in the midst of another holiday season when our thoughts turn to good tidings and well wishes, we also begin the often difficult task of deciding on the best gift for ourselves and loved ones. Gifts for our kids tend to be fairly easy, since they...