Courtney Hyman
Manufacturing Manager, Hartford, CT
Courtney Hyman doesn’t expect a lot from doctors, he feels. He just wants a doctor that can make a thorough examination and listen to his or her patients. A doctor that will take some time, in other words.
As we all know, however, finding a doctor that has time to spend with a patient these days is harder than ever. So when Courtney started feeling like his energy and his libido were both getting down, he did what most men do; he just assumed it was part of getting older. He wasn’t happy about how he felt less healthy than he did 5 years ago, but according to the doctors he saw, there wasn’t any specific malady to treat. He just wasn’t young anymore.
A presentation at work from Dr. Desmond Ebanks, Medical Director of Alternity Health Care started changing his thinking. Here was a doctor that said that feeling bad is not part of normal aging and that men can do something to make changes and feel better. He still wasn’t convinced, though, that he should go. It took a number of co-workers to convince Courtney that Dr. Ebanks was not only helping them, but he was very different from other doctors.
“Dr. Ebanks was more thorough than any other doctor,” Courtney says. “He spent a lot more time with me than anyone else ever has.” It wasn’t merely the amount of time that Dr. Ebanks invested in Courtney that impressed him; it was the care and detail that Dr. Ebanks showed. “Going to Dr. Ebanks is different. He makes you feel at home. It’s not clinical and sterile.”
Dr. Ebanks also impressed Courtney by taking seriously all his complaints, no matter how “normal” or “minor” he’d been told they were previously. Courtney learned that many of these things are not normal and that there are changes he could make to his life. As a result, he now feels he has much more energy and those chronic minor health issues are no longer holding him back.
“Dr. Ebanks really takes the time to get to know you, Courtney says. The result of that extra care and attention? “I feel like I did five years ago again. I have more energy, I can get more done, and I just feel better,” says Courtney.