Hormone Replacement Therapy
The Newest Research Favors a Balanced Endocrine System
Hormone changes can affect your:
- Heart Health
- Bone Health
- Sexual Health
- Body Composition
- Cognitive Function
The endocrine system releases hormones through the bloodstream to act on a variety of cells throughout the body. It must work in harmony to keep hormone levels within specific ranges for your body to function at its best.
Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
- decline in energy, libido and sex drive
- weaker erections (men)
- vaginal dryness and hot flashes (women)
- weight gain, increased body fat, and loss of lean muscle
- sleep disturbances and emotional irritability
- slower cognitive functions and reduced productivity
Safe, Effective Hormone Therapies
At Alternity Healthcare, we don’t just check hormone levels with a blood test. We also test the saliva and evaluate how hormones are being broken down and released in the urine. We get a very scientific measurement this way that tells us more about hormone levels and the actual hormonal balance within the body. We only prescribe bio-identical hormones, which mirror the chemical and molecular structure of your natural hormones. We believe they are the safest and most effective hormone therapy.
Hormone Replacement for Women
It can be hard to sort through the controversial reports on the safety of hormone replacement for women. The key is maintaining a balance among hormones, primarily estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and insuring proper metabolism and detoxification. The unfounded and over generalized fear of hormone replacement for women was generated by findings from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) a decade ago. Recent re-analysis suggests that misinterpretation of WHI results may have caused tens of thousands of women to die prematurely because they avoided hormone therapy. Determining whether hormone therapy is right for you must be personalized following a thorough assessment.
Hormone Replacement for Men
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for men is emerging as a necessity for healthy aging. Men do not have abrupt changes in their hormone status as do women. Testosterone decline 2-3% per year beginning in late 30’s or early 40’s. This gradual decline in hormones and physiologic functions can cause problems for men. Testosterone therapy is safe and effective in restoring youthful vitality, libido, erectile quality, and lean body mass. Longstanding beliefs that testosterone therapy could fuel prostate cancer or increase the risk of heart disease have proven to be false. Recent studies have demonstrated no association between TRT and the incidence of prostate cancer. In fact, the risk of prostate cancer goes up as testosterone falls. Two studies toward the end of 2014 made headlines for the purported association of TRT with increased heart risks. Multiple other contemporary studies and literature reviews failed to finds any such association. Even the FDA’s review of the evidence found it did not support any adverse association between TRT and heart disease.